Year 4
Welcome to Year 4's class page! I am Miss Clive, the Year 4 Teacher and I work alongside Mrs Ikuesan our lovely Assistant Educator.
This page will have lots of useful information for you to refer to, including our key information and dates, as well as, regular updates of what the children are getting up to in and out of the classroom. It's going to be a year full of adventure, experiences and opportunities.

Key information:
PE days - Wednesday and Friday
Swimming - Group 1 this term, Group 2 next term
Homework due in – Monday
Homework set – Tuesday
Spelling test - Thursday
New spellings - Thursday (In school) / Friday (In reading log)
Book check – Children will be allocated a day for book checks
Term 1
This term we will be learning...
This term we will be learning...
This term we will be reading...
Key Dates:
02/09/24 – Staff development day 03/09/24 - Return to school 25/09/24 – Parent forum
30/09/24 – Science day/workshop
01/10/24 - FLU Immunisations 11/10/24 – Individual and sibling photos
17/10/24 – Harvest Church Service
25/10/24 – Last day of term/Year 4 class assembly/Autumn silent disco
This week the children having being learning the art of instructions. Firstly, instructing their friends in a back-to-back drawing activity, before teaching Miss Clive to make a sandwich... It was harder than it looked!
We also began the topic of Electricity in Science, where we explored various toys, deciding if they ran on electricity or not. Next, we discussed what affect electricity had on the item and whether they are powered by mains or stored energy.

Key information:
PE days - Wednesday and Friday
Swimming - Group 2 (Friday pm)
Homework due in – Monday
Homework set – Tuesday
Spelling test - Wednesday
New spellings - Thursday
Book check – Children will be allocated a day for book checks
Term 2
This term we will be learning...
This term we will be reading...
Key Dates:
04/11/24 – Staff development day
05/11/24 - Return to school
08/11/24 – Group 2 return to swimming
11/11/24 – Nurture session for year 4
13/11/24 – Parents Evening
14/11/24 – Cinema Trip
15/11/24 – Children in Need
18/11/24 – Nurture session for year 4
05/12/24 Nativity Dress Rehearsal
09/12/24 Mrs McMullon Award
13/12/24 Last swimming for Group 2
13/12/24 Academy Awards
18/12/24 Pantomime / Christmas Dinner
19/12/24 Christmas Church Service
20/12/24 Last day of term.
This week the children having being learning the art of instructions. Firstly, instructing their friends in a back-to-back drawing activity, before teaching Miss Clive to make a sandwich... It was harder than it looked!
We also began the topic of Electricity in Science, where we explored various toys, deciding if they ran on electricity or not. Next, we discussed what affect electricity had on the item and whether they are powered by mains or stored energy.

Key information:
PE days - Wednesday and Friday
Swimming - Group 1 this term, Group 2 next term
Homework due in – Monday
Homework set – Tuesday
Spelling test - Thursday
New spellings - Thursday (In school) / Friday (In reading log)
Book check – Children will be allocated a day for book checks
Term 3
This term we will be learning...
This term we will be learning...
This term we will be reading...
Key Dates:
02/09/24 – Staff development day 03/09/24 - Return to school 25/09/24 – Parent forum
30/09/24 – Science day/workshop
01/10/24 - FLU Immunisations 11/10/24 – Individual and sibling photos
17/10/24 – Harvest Church Service
25/10/24 – Last day of term/Year 4 class assembly/Autumn silent disco
This week the children having being learning the art of instructions. Firstly, instructing their friends in a back-to-back drawing activity, before teaching Miss Clive to make a sandwich... It was harder than it looked!
We also began the topic of Electricity in Science, where we explored various toys, deciding if they ran on electricity or not. Next, we discussed what affect electricity had on the item and whether they are powered by mains or stored energy.

Key information:
PE days - Wednesday and Friday
Swimming - Group 1 this term, Group 2 next term
Homework due in – Monday
Homework set – Tuesday
Spelling test - Thursday
New spellings - Thursday (In school) / Friday (In reading log)
Book check – Children will be allocated a day for book checks
Term 4
This term we will be learning...
This term we will be learning...
This term we will be reading...
Key Dates:
02/09/24 – Staff development day 03/09/24 - Return to school 25/09/24 – Parent forum
30/09/24 – Science day/workshop
01/10/24 - FLU Immunisations 11/10/24 – Individual and sibling photos
17/10/24 – Harvest Church Service
25/10/24 – Last day of term/Year 4 class assembly/Autumn silent disco
This week the children having being learning the art of instructions. Firstly, instructing their friends in a back-to-back drawing activity, before teaching Miss Clive to make a sandwich... It was harder than it looked!
We also began the topic of Electricity in Science, where we explored various toys, deciding if they ran on electricity or not. Next, we discussed what affect electricity had on the item and whether they are powered by mains or stored energy.