Children are expected to attend online Microsoft Teams sessions with their teachers and complete the work set. We follow up remote absences in the same way, in line with school policy on absence and attendance. A timetable is shared with all parents and children with the expectations for the day. Children can contact their teachers via Microsoft Teams during live lessons, if further support is needed.
If a child is not engaging in remote learning the class teacher will contact parents via ClassDojo or a phone call. If it continues the teacher will forward concerns to the Family Liaison Officer. If a lack of engagement continues then this will be escalated to the Head Teacher to see what else the school can do to support their learning and encourage engagement. If your child is struggling to access the learning materials online, please contact your child’s class teacher via ClassDojo.
Our approach to feedback is as follows, however this is a continuing work in progress and staff are currently undertaking training and research on how to enhance this area:
Teachers will comment on the work your child has submitted. It may be a ‘well done’ comment or a comment to ask them to look again at a question. If your child’s teacher thinks that your child needs more support with a question or area of learning they will contact them individually either via the private message tool or through a phone call.
During the live lesson, teachers will ask the class questions and will ask children to unmute themselves to provide an answer or ask them to comment in the ‘chat’ function.
At the end of a series of lessons, your child may be asked to complete an online quiz so teachers can assess their progress and make adjustments as is necessary. -
Children who are finding areas of the learning challenging will be asked to ‘stay on Teams’ for further support after the lessons.
Children, who require further challenge will be provided this by the class teacher.
It is important the children engage with the remote learning activities to continue their education during periods of self isolation however we do acknowledge that each family’s home circumstances are unique and there may be factors that affect engagement with home learning. These may include parents working from home or limited access to technology among other factors. Communication is essential and we ask that if parents are finding things difficult to get in touch with their child’s class teacher so we can support and put measures in place.