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Special Educational Needs and Disability

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The Specialist Teaching and Learning Service are based at the Midas Centre, and they support our school in a number of ways.  They are often on hand to provide advice and guidance so that we can better support our children with additional needs, they also hold a number of courses for parents and carers that you may find beneficial.  Please click on the brochure to find out more.

Rodmersham's Special Needs Co-ordinator

Mrs Nicky McMullon


Rodmersham's Special Needs Co-ordinator/Family Liaison Officer

Mrs Justine Williams

At Rodmersham school we recognise that every child is an individual and that their learning journeys differ. During their school life, some children may need additional support for their learning needs or disability. This may involve the class teacher planning targeted tasks, providing additional resources and equipment, and /or supporting in focus groups. They may undertake some interventions which help them to make greater progress with their learning. Some children are identified as having SEN Support Needs which may require additional interventions and assessments or referrals to outside agencies for further assessment.

Parents and carers are given opportunities to discuss their child’s support and given ideas to support their child at home. Children at SEN Support Level, or with an EHC Plan, have targets written and reviewed three times a year. Class teachers meet during the year with the Head and FLO, to discuss progress and plan additional support as needed.

Sometimes, school staff in liaison with parents and carers, may request a ‘Statutory Assessment’ by the LA which may result in an Education, Health and Care Plan.


Additional Support may include:

  • Individual or small group phonics sessions

  • Individual daily reading or frequent reading

  • Precision teaching of spellings and High Frequency Words

  • Fine motor skills practice

  • Handwriting/ letter formation practice

  • Maths small group support

  • Maths individual support

  • Precision Teaching of Maths e.g. number bonds, tables

  • Social skills, attention and listening, turn taking

  • Gross Motor skills support

  • Speech support programmes

  • Language Support programmes

  • In class focus group

  • Sensory Circuits

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